Monday, October 29, 2012

Monster Mash!!

This past weekend my sister Carian had a Halloween party, she does this every year to celebrate her favorite holiday. It was so fun to go and hang out with her friends and dress up in costumes, play games and have some drinks and snacks. Her apartment is so cute with all of her Halloween decor. Here are a few pictures from that night! I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween festivities! Xoxo.

{My Sister and I she went a the Muppet Janice and I went as a Toddler in a Tiara}

{This creepy pirate man is in her apartment, his eyes slowly moved in and out of his head}

{Me in costume holding her owl that was also dressed for the occasion}

{This is my favorite picture of the night - My sisters friend came dressed in a business suite wearing this panda head and explained he was a panda dressed as a human. This is me being a "Panda in a tiara"}

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